Friday, September 19, 2008

Homemade Pear Baby Food

The boys are 4 1/2 months old and I think they are ready for food! The doc gave us the go-ahead, but also said it's not yet necessary. So, what did I choose to do? Wait.

Here comes a Mommy confession: I chose to wait a little longer because it's SO much work to feed 3 babies food with a spoon. Especially since they can't sit up on their own yet. I know, I know. You don't have to say anything. I'm awful. I should say that I chose to wait so as not to rush them along... but that's not the real reason.
Then, Mom brought over these yummy, sweet, huge, perfect pears from her tree. And while I wanted to eat them all up myself, I decided this was the perfect opportunity to make my first batch of baby food. (FREE)
It was SO easy! It took less time than it would have to go to the store and pick it up. I also have the comfort of knowing there was nothing but pears in their pears. I wish I would have made Taylor's baby food looking back. oh well.

Here's what I did.

I washed, quartered, peeled, then diced the pears

Then I steamed them. I put a tiny bit of water in the bottom of the pot and covered them for about 20-30 minutes. Then, more by default than design, I let the pears slowly cool on the stove. I think I'll do this every time because it turned out so well. After they were cooled, I drained them, and poured them in the blender for about 30 seconds.

Then I just poured it all into ice trays and froze overnight. I have some milk storage bags I didn't get to use, so for right now, my baby food will get divided into those. When I run out of those, I'll just place them in a Tupperware bowl. I've read that pureed foods like this for babies are good for 3 months. So, I'll be sure to put a piece of masking tape with the date, and not mix batches!

Oh, and of course I tasted it. It's very good. Just like applesauce, but pears. Great texture!

- Homemade baby food adventure 1 -

A success!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

That's awesome! I'm proud of you!